Sunday, November 6, 2011


Generally it is Peace Corps policy that volunteers are not allowed to operate or ride on motorcycles of any kind while serving. This policy was implemented after it was realized that the largest numbers of deaths and injuries to PVCs included motorcycles, especially considering that volunteers used to be issued motorcycles as their main mode of transportation (nowadays we just get bicycles). Rwanda is one of the few countries where there is an exception to that policy because motorcycle taxis are such a crucial aspect of getting around here. However, to balance out the danger we were issued some super intense motorcross helmets. Literally though, these must have been out of the clearance bin because they are the most riddiculous gaudy patterns imaginable. For example mine is zebra print and sparkly. To make matters worse we can be medically seperated for not wearing them so we are forced to carry them with us when we know we will be using motos, and then we look riddiculous riding them. Quite honestly though I dont mind the helmets because they make me feel safe since the moto drivers are insane. There is actually nothing scarier than flying down a mountain gripping onto a stranger. I thought I would feel bad ass but literally I was on the verge of tears instead. There was one hillarious moment where I made the moto driver stop so that I could get off the bike and hyperventilate on the side of the road. The poor man had no idea what was happening and was just staring at me like, "shit what I am going to do with a crying Muzungu." When I was finally able to explain to him in French that I was scared his only response was, "Oh there is no reason to be, this is very safe." Oh sir, I beg to differ. Now that I've become more accustomed to the motos, however, I am starting to see the appeal. I can imagine that it would be very satisfying to be driving one but sometimes as the passenger my Type A personality really kicks in and I would much rather be in control. I think for now I will take the motos as little as possible and but maybe in two years things will change. Who knows? Maybe I'll get a motorcycle when I return to America....Wenda (Maybe)...but probably not.

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