Saturday, November 19, 2011

On Missing Things

When we get together we talk about what we miss a lot. Usually the same items get thrown around until someone gets frustrated and reminds us that we are only making our lives harder. Reminding us of the very food point that discussing comfortable beds and hot showers and loved ones will not make our flea infested cots easier to sleep tonight or our bucket baths and more pleasant tomorrow. For me, usually, I like these conversations though, they remind me of why we are here and of how little the people we came to serve really have. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes they are brutal and there are days when even the thought of Pizza can make me angry, but at the end of the day its part of life in the Peace Corps. While we are on the topic here are some of the funnier things that come up whenever we discuss what we miss:

-Feeling even remotely attractive
-Not having bug bites
- Bacon
-Reality TV
-Not having to greet every person you pass in the street.
-Not having to explain that you eat so little because you actually believe that skinnier is prettier – and that some cultural norms you just will not adjust to.
-Decent Beer
-Hairdryers – hair that dries
-Easily accessible coffee
-Not carrying your own TP
-Using TP not being weird
-Not sleeping under a mosquito net
-Clean fingernails
-Options (this goes for any and every situation you can think of)

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